Sunday 22 July 2007

Bobbing along in the swell.

Still moored above Osney lock.
547 locks, 677 miles, 18 Tunnels, 37 swing bridges and 10 lift bridges since Nov 2006

As time ticked by last night we had several visits by the fire brigade and the St Johns Ambulance emergency team. Sand bagging was still being carried out at midnight. Dot took first watch while I had a nap.
At 1am we changed shifts and I went out and adjusted the 2 bow ropes so that I could make some fast adjustments if needed later.
2 am and there are still a lot of houses in the street with lights on so there must be a few concerned residents unable to sleep tonight. The river level is no higher than it’s been in the last 24 hours. A guy has just walked past who I think may be a lock keeper as he was wearing a life jacket so the situation is being monitored closely. The next 2 hours are supposed to be the critical period.
4 am and all is well and Dot has taking over flood watch. The river is still at the same level but is running very fast.
There was a beautiful sunrise this morning with lovely blue skies. Gongoozlers with cameras abound up and down the street since about 7 am.
9 am and the radio station is broadcasting that water at Kings lock is higher than the 2003 flooding levels and high water level at Lechlade hasn’t peaked yet. There is flooding in villages all around us but we haven’t suffered any YET.
9.30 am and the water level has risen by about 6 inches and the radio station is keeping a constant flood watch running.
The allotments about a mile or so up river from here are now flooded which are about the same height above water level as where we are but there are sluices between here and there.
11 am and the river has dropped marginally going by our marker on the building opposite. The fire brigade have been up and down the street again and if you didn’t know any different you would say the street appears to be carnival mode with all the neighbours standing around out in the street chatting. Gongoozlers just keep on arriving walking up and down the street as if there was going to be a visit by the queen or something similar. The Botley Rd bridge is amass with gongoozlers taking photo’s and videos of the river surging
under the bridge.

We are still awaiting the peak, more to come later.

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